Using the TransactSql.ScriptDOM parser to get statement counts

Today there was a question on the #sqlhelp Twitter hashtag: “Is it possible to get UPDATE / SELECT / INSERT / DELETE statement counts from SQL Server?”


This is a perfect use case for the SQLDOM parser a.k.a. Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom. I put together a sample C# application to demonstrate how easy it is for requirements like the above. The assumption made below (for simplicity) is to parse the input from a .SQL script file. In the real world, we can easily script the object code from a live connection (using SMO for example) and pass it as a MemoryStream to the TextReader below. But that is left, as they say, to the reader as an intellectual exercise Smile

Test case

Here is the sample code, and interestingly if you run it on a script of AdventureWorks, it tells you that there is not a single DELETE statement embedded in any of the sample database’s Stored Procedures, Views or Functions (which is correct and it is a minor eye-opener as well Smile).

Found 37 SELECTs, 1743 INSERTs, 15 UPDATEs & 0 DELETEs


The ScriptDom excels at simple tasks like this, but do keep in mind some complications which need to be considered for more advanced requirements. I’ll be posting some tips on how to overcome those complications later on.

Sample Code
using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Text; 
using Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom; 
using System.IO;
namespace SampleSQLVisitor 
    class Program 
        static void Main(string[] args) 
            TextReader txtRdr = new StreamReader("myscriptfile.sql"); 
            TSql110Parser parser = new TSql110Parser(true);
            IList<ParseError> errors; 
            TSqlFragment sqlFragment = parser.Parse(txtRdr, out errors); 
             // TODO report the parsing errors generated (if any)
            SQLVisitor myVisitor = new SQLVisitor(); 
    internal class SQLVisitor : TSqlFragmentVisitor 
        private int SELECTcount = 0; 
        private int INSERTcount = 0; 
        private int UPDATEcount = 0; 
        private int DELETEcount = 0;
        private string GetNodeTokenText(TSqlFragment fragment) 
            StringBuilder tokenText = new StringBuilder(); 
            for (int counter = fragment.FirstTokenIndex; counter <= fragment.LastTokenIndex; counter++) 
            return tokenText.ToString(); 
        // SELECTs 
        public override void ExplicitVisit(SelectStatement node) 
            //Console.WriteLine("found SELECT statement with text: " + GetNodeTokenText(node)); 
        // INSERTs 
        public override void ExplicitVisit(InsertStatement node) 
        // UPDATEs 
        public override void ExplicitVisit(UpdateStatement node) 
        // DELETEs 
        public override void ExplicitVisit(DeleteStatement node) 
        public void DumpStatistics() 
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Found {0} SELECTs, {1} INSERTs, {2} UPDATEs & {3} DELETEs", 

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