
Welcome to my blog.

A little about myself... I'm a Technical Product Manager for Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) and SharePoint Portal Server (SPS). I work in Redmond and live in downtown Seattle. Though I'm not a Seattle native, I have grown to like Seattle and have become used to the never ending drizzle.

Why blog... I consider this my professional blog. From time to time, I may write something from my personal life, but for the most part, this is where I will post announcements, upcoming web casts, whitepapers, tips and tricks, downloads, interesting conversations, frequently asked questions, and so on, that primarily pertain to MCMS, SPS and related technologies. I believe a blog is the easiest and most convenientĀ method for 1-way communication. It's an opportunity for me to get information out to you quickly and provide you with some insight into my professional life.

For past blog entries, visit https://blogs.gotdotnet.com/arpans. From now on, I will only be blogging here... but there are quite a few relevant blog entries still hosted at gotdotnet.

Continue to post comments/feedback. Happy holidays.