VSTS, TFS and .NET Framework Reference Posters Anyone?

So I swear it USED to be easier to come across full sized posters of the Framework Libraries, event models and the like.  While trolling various blogs and forums, I ran across this site: https://www.drp.co.za/Media/Posters/PostersPDF/tabid/62/Default.aspx

You can download (for FREE!) PDF or JPEG versions of all kinds of great stuff including: TFS Source Control, Build and product reference sheet, a huge number of WF related models, various SDLC methodology summaries, CSHarp reference guides and more!  Print your own mini-poster, or if you have access to one of those huge printers, or the time to go to Kinkos, make your own poster!

For anyone looking for older framework posters, I have specifically gotten requests for the 2.0 framework, I ran across these at BookPool: https://www.bookpool.com/ss?qs=Microsoft+.NET+Framework+2.0+Poster+Pack