Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

Running .NET applications client-side in the browser

In this post, App Dev Managers Robert Schumann and Ben Hlaban, introduce us to Blazor – an experimental web UI framework based on C#, Razor, and HTML that runs in the browser via WebAssembly. This journey started from a blog by Daniel Roth. Other than the YouTube of Steve Sanderson’s prototype demo at NDC Oslo, this wasn’t much ...

Converting PCL (Portable Class Libraries) to .NET Standard Class Libraries – Part 3

In Part 3 of this 3 part series, App Dev Manager, Herald Gjura describes how to incorporate these libraries into an existing .NET application.In Part 1 and 2 of this blog series I described how to migrate your old PCL libraries into the .NET Standard ones, and how to change you build and release pipeline for a successful NuGet deployment. In ...

Async Main() is available, but hidden

Check out this quick tip on unlocking the new features of C# 7.1 from Premier Developer consultant Ben Williams.Ever try to use async/await in your Main method of a .NET app? You couldn’t before, but now you can. I just posted a quick tip about enabling this by turning on C# 7.1 features in Visual Studio (they are not enabled by default). ...

Blog of Blogging

In this post, Senior App Dev Manager Marcus Fernandez sets up a blog using Miniblog.Core and Azure in just a few simple steps.(image) Miniblog.Core a project by Mads, on the VS \ .NET team at MS, thank you.  I have been exploring dotnet core since it was released and I really like the idea of a more micro-architecture.  You control ...

Converting PCL (Portable Class Libraries) to .NET Standard Class Libraries

In Part 1 of this 3 part series, App Dev Manager, Herald Gjura discusses converting PCL (Portable Class Libraries) to .NET Standard Class Libraries. Overview I have been working for this client for quite a few years and had advised them to break down some of their key business functionality and features and distribute them as NuGet packages...

Updating Windows Form UI elements from another thread

This post is from App Dev Manager, Omer Amin who covers how to update Windows Form UI elements using worker threads.(image) In a typical Windows Forms .NET application, the UI elements are created and updated by the main thread. This thread is also responsible for processing Windows messages. For this reason, it is recommended to keep message ...

Defining ASP.NET Core Controller action constraint to match the correct action

When developing Web Api controllers many times we have situations where we need to define similar arguments in different methods. For example, a controller that has 2 methods that query users either by last name or date of birth. The name of the method is different but they both will receive a single argument of type string. When the routing engine can’t determine which action method it should call, a status code of 500 is returned.