Sliding Puzzle

There have been a lot of JavaScript games created for the web.  And, because HDi is based on web standards, with a little tweaking, you can easily turn many of them into games for HD DVD.  And, as long as we're tweaking, we might as well add the cool additional features where we can - like screen capture.

At the end of this blog is an attachment for a sliding puzzle that takes a screen capture when the user hits the A button (F1 if you're using the simulator) and scrambles the screen.  The up/down/left/right keys move the blocks into the empty space.  When the puzzle is complete, the full screen image fades into view and play resumes. 

Full screen:


No video file is included in the attachment, so be sure to add one to your HVDVD_TS folder to take advantage of the screen capture.

For more games in HDi, check out Peter's Space Invaders and Liar's Dice if you haven't already.