Microsoft is looking for people who have taught introductory programming

I found a blog post by the Microsoft Learning team titled Have you taught introductory developer courses-—We want you! I’ve included some of the post below. Visit the post itself for contact information if you are interested.

Have you taught introductory developer courses in a high school, college, or other learning environment? Microsoft Learning is creating a new exam program targeted at measuring a beginner’s knowledge and skills in a broad technology area. We’re looking for volunteers to help us with the development of exams for this new exam program.

We expect the first wave of these exams to cover the following content domains: basic programming, beginning Windows development, beginning Web development, and introductory database administration. While minimal hands-on experience with the technologies will be recommended, job experience is neither assumed nor recommended for these exams. Most of the questions will test the candidate's understanding of basic concepts rather than the candidate's ability to successfully complete a task.