
I keep learning cool things from Twitter. No really. The people I follow are often doing interesting and educational things and sharing via Twitter. Last week someone posted a Tweet about https://learnscratch.org/. I made a note to visit the site and did so this week. It is pretty cool and very helpful. There are a series of video casts, some lesson plans and additional information including a good page on Why Teach Scratch that you may find useful for explaining to your administration why this fun activity is actually an important teaching tool for 21st Century skills. The official Scratch website where you can download Scratch for free and join the Scratch community is at https://scratch.mit.edu/

BTW you can follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/alfredtwo If you are on Twitter let me know so I can follow you as well. You can find more of what I have written about Scratch using this key word link.