Five Questions with Dean Kamen

Dean Kamen is probably best known either for FIRST Robotics or for inventing the Segway device. But he has invented a lot more than that and his robotic arm is showing some amazing potential to replace human limbs. He's also got an invention that creates clean water from dirty water. He showed that on the Colbert Report recently.

The IEEE has a short interview with Dean (it looks like it was done in his office) where they asked him five questions. The answer to the question about the Segway was interesting enough but the real value to me is in how he talks about the future of robotics and the problem he sees with engineering (and more generally) education. He comes back to something I keep thinking - that there is a need for more passion in education. Teachers need to get more excited and they need to help students find more excitement in what is being taught.

Dean is an interesting person and this very short interview is more than worth the time to view.