When Cods Collide - an XNA Game in 2D

Well I'm on the road again. Today I am flying to Miami for the Game Development in Computer Science conference. The conference takes place on a cruise ship so there is no Internet or cell phone coverage - at least not as a reasonable price. So I'm posting a few things in advance in hopes that you will not miss me.

Since I am inĀ  gaming sort of mind I thought I'd pass on some links to a series of posts by Betsy Aoki. The series involves creating a simple 2D game in XNA that involves collision detection. It looks like a useful series and it is a fun read. So here are the links:

My hope is to have a lot to report when I return for the game conference. The agenda looks downright amazing and some really top people from academia and industry will be involved. Hopefully I'll get more information about developing XNA games for the Zune from the XNA team. So stick around. :-)