High School XNA Game Development Class

Back in November I listed some high school computer science teacher blogs that I am following. At the top of my list was Brian Scarbeau about whom I said "does not post a lot but I always find a lot of value in what he does post. " Well lately he's been a blogging house of fire. He recently started teaching a course on game development using XNA with his advanced students. They are learning C# as the programming language and also learning a lot about the various concepts that go into making a modern game. From what I am reading in his blog it looks like students and teacher are both learning a lot and having a lot of fun.

It's not a cake walk course - Brian expects a lot from students - but it seems like it is working out well. I know a number of other teachers who are using games and XNA in their courses these days but Brian is the one blogging about it. I'd love to hear from and about other courses using game development as well.

I'll be seeing some more high school teachers who are interested in game development in their courses on Microsoft's Game Development in Computer Science conference the end of February. Kathleen Weaver who is also on my list of high school computer science teachers is also going to be on the cruise. She's already blogging about that and I expect she will have a lot to say about what she learns on the cruise.