CSTA Wants to Hear Your Story

Chris Stephenson of CSTA told us (those of us at the SIGCT breakfast) about a new effort to collect success stories from teachers of computer science and Computing & Information Technology. All the facts and figures that can be collected about the need for computer science and the possibilities an education in CS & IT bring, while great, do not tell a compelling story. All too often the media and politicians are looking for a story - a success story - to communicate in a way that resonates with more people. CSTA wants to collect those stories.

So what kind of stories? From the handout:

Every day you make a difference in the lives of your students. Tell us how your computer science course has improved life:

  • for a student
  • for your school
  • for your community
  • for your state

Email your story to story (at) csta.acm.org and be sure to include your full contact information.

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