XNA Links

I've been trying to collect some interesting and useful XNA links. Here is what I have so far.

XNA Team Blog - Yep, that is where the XNA Team blogs.

Dave Weller's blog - Dave is with the XNA group and is an acknowledged expert in graphics and game programming. Dave has a list of XNA resources on his blog as well.

Michael Klucher's XNA Blog - Talking about game development. Check out this post with an interview with a student who is  writing his own XNA games.

XNA 101 .NET - This blog isn't updated as often as some but the entries there are useful tutorials.

XNA Book - a free book on XNA - I haven't read it myself but the reviews look like it may be useful.

XNADevelopment.com - Tutorials and links to other resources.

LearnXNA.com - a blog and community site with information and video tutorials on XNA.

XNAtutorial.com - Tutorial videos for beginners

Any of you have some other suggestions of things to add to this list?