A Wiki for AP Computer Science Teachers

(a very energetic high school computer science and math teacher) has opened up a wiki for Advanced Placement Computer Science discussion, links, materials and other cooperative work. The site just opened and I doubt many AP CS teachers know about it yet but I think it has great potential. The hope is that teachers can share projects, exercises, discuss textbooks and other topics of interest and generally create a lasting and growing body of shared knowledge for teachers to use. Sounds great to me.

I've become a huge fan of wiki's lately. As a tool for collaboration and sharing of infomation they're pretty cool and very powerful. An other wiki that I am a little involved with (in other words I read and have made a few minor edits)  is the one for EduBloggerCon 2007 - a gathering of educational bloggers at NECC this coming spring. The wiki also lists some other upcoming educational technology where education bloggers are hoping to connect. I hope to be at some of these events myself. Hopefully I will be at TCEA, NECC and maybe FETC this winter.

In any case if you are an AP CS teacher jump in and contribute to this new AP CS wiki. Sharing with other teachers is among the best ways teachers help each other.

Technorati tags: edubloggercon2007, edubloggercon, edublogger, apcs, ap cs, necc, necc2007