A List of Education and Tech Ed Blogs

For no better reason than to share a look at what it out there is the way of blogs about education and education technology and perhaps give some of these blogs some general "link love" I decided to share the list of blogs in my RSS reader (I use RSS Bandit) under the Education category. Some are blogs by teachers; some are from consultants or organizations. Some of the teachers teach computer science while other teachers teach other things but use technology. Some are focused on educational politics - some are on the right and others to the left. I like to read both sides. Some avoid politics completely. The people in my group who blog on education are listed elsewhere on this blog site so I left them off this list. One of these days I will take the time to sort them out and categorize these and other blogs I follow but today is not that day. Sorry about that.

Now to be honest I don't read every single post on every single blog. Some of them are rarely updated for example. There are some I skim the titles of and read if something looks interesting. I could not possibly even do that much if I didn't use an RSS reader. It would take far too long to visit each web site on a regular basis. RSS Bandit lets me look to see if anything is new, judge quickly if I have or want to make the time to read what has been posted.

Of course you don't need to have many blogs to follow to get value from an RSS Reader. Even if you only follow a couple or even just one (if only one I hope it's this one) you will save time by using an RSS Reader over visiting each web site directly. You can learn more about RSS readers (also called aggregators) on Wikipedia. [Edit: Another good article may be found here.]

Here in no particular order is my list:

Rob Miles Journal
EduBlog Insights
Computer Science Teachers Association
In Other News ...
Daniel Shapiro's WebLog
Nifty Fifty
School of the Future WebLog
UK Academic Team Blog
Bright Ideas
Cal Teacher Blog
The Chronicle: Wired Campus Blog
Cool Cat Teacher Blog
2 Cents Worth
Blue Skunk Blog
The Education Wonks
Dangerously Irrelevant
Discovery Educator Network
The Geeky Knitter
Chap Percival
Intuitively Obvious
Brian Scarbeau
Daniel Forhan
David Jacobus
Judi Heher
Reg Hahne
Susan Canaga
Teaching Learning & Technology in Higher Education
IEEE University Partners
The Strength of Weak Ties
The Thinking Stick
Kathy Schrock's Kaffeeklatsch
Wicked Teacher of the West
Institute for Personal Robots in Education Blog - A robot on every desktop
Higgy's Blog
Education Blog On 10
Teaching in the 408
Schools Matter
See Jane Compute
The Savvy Technologist
This Week In Education
Tuttle SVC
The Vermont Slate
Mark Guzdial's AmazonConnect Blog
Ed-Tech Insider
InvenTeams News
Teaching CS in Dallas
Musings about Teaching High School, Social Computing and Ed. Tech.
School Technology Leadership Blog
Blog Juice for Educational Technology
Moving at the Speed of Creativity
Weblogg-ed News