Survey Manager Sample Application

If you would like to try out some ASP .NET and database software and create something that is potentially useful at the same time you may want to check out the Survey Manager Sample Application.


The Survey Manager provides a rich client interface to enable you to manage a database of teachers, students, classes, and surveys. Surveys and quizzes can be designed and assigned to specific classes. A web-based interface allows students to complete a survey. This application integrates with the ASP.Net Membership provider so that you can define students in the client application and assign usernames and passwords which are applied to the membership tables in the database, providing login accounts for students to use the web interface.

You do need the SQL Express Edition and Visual Studio Professional or better. The Visual Studio Academic version in MSDN AA is the same as Professional by the way.

Maybe just a little learning project to spend some time with this summer. But think about the possibilities for using it in a web development course or as an extra project in a programming course.

[Thanks to Blake Handler for sending me the link.]