Project Hoshimi Webcasts Available

I recorded my second webcast on Project Hoshimi the other day. So now there are two availble for playback. They are both available from the MainFunction Training Center.
When you register for the webcasts they will be added to the list of "My Webcasts" and you can view them at your convenience.

If you have students who may be interested in the Hoshimi Challenge you may want to sign up for the webcasts so they can view them as well. While the webcasts were designed for teachers I think they are pretty useful for students who want to get an overview of what the event is about (the first webcast) or who need a little help getting started planning strategy (the second webcast) for their own efforts.

Pat Phillips attended both of these webcasts live and has some nice things to say about them at her blog. Her blog also has a reminder about the community center forums at MainFunction where you can ask for help with the project.