Useful Articles on Coding 4 Fun

Arian Kulp has a simple time-tracking application. This little project creates an application that sits in the system tray and allows the user to collect information about how long one spends time on different tasks. Useful things demonstrated are:

  • Creating an application for the system tray
  • Handling time values
  • Saving information in an XML dataset
  • Sample code is available in both Visual Basic .NET and C#

Glenn Wilson shows you how to create an application template. Why is this useful to you as a teacher? Well it lets you create special templates for projects that you want students to finish off. Glenn’s example is a DirectX template which would be especially useful if you were having students write graphical applications, such as games, but did not want them to get bogged down in setting things up.

Speaking of Coding 4 Fun, the Channel 9 website has a video with Daniel Fernandez and others showing off some of the projects they have been working on for the Coding 4 Fun website. Take a look and see if you don’t get some project ideas. Or send some of your students who are looking for interesting side projects.