Real world App - Part 1 - Choosing an Application

Okay so it has been a while since I posted my Statement of Intent. Time to get on with things.

The main problem has been trying to come up with a good application.

I gave myself three key requirements:

  1. Well suited to the web.
  2. Ability to grow uncontrollably in scope: so as to include hooks into things like Workflow, Silverlight, Sync, WCF, Office etc.
  3. Fun.

Now I think (1) and (2) are pretty easy, (3) is the kicker.

Without (3) you could think of things like a fake online Bank or Insurance Company. But how do you make something like that fun?

You tell me and then we will both know.

One interesting suggestion (thanks Jarod) was a fantasy football system. Now for me Football means Soccer (you know Chelsea, Man Utd and the Gunners etc)

So the fantasy football league idea is interesting. The only problem is I've never actually played a fantasy football game, so I have only a rough idea how it would work.

Sounds like I need to do some requirements gathering...