My old computers...

Chris Pirillo points out Old-Computers.Com.

Ah, memory lane (or lack of)...So, I'm going to bore you with a list of my first computers.

My first computer - Sinclair ZX81. Ram: 1K, although I extended this with a wopping 14K Memopak Oooh. Learnt Sinclair Basic. Retailed in 1981 for 70 Great British Pounds (I bought second hand for 30)


Upgraded to Sinclair Spectrum 48K (42K for programming! Phew!) .Keyboard: QWERTY rubber keyboard (40 keys) with up to 6 functions by keys ! Whoohoo. Online with Prestel.

I didn't buy the Commodore Pet 2001, but used it at skool. Remember POKEs?

Went from the Spectrum to the Acorn Electron. Bad idea. Very bad idea.

Stopped buying computers for a while as cricket took over my life...then I bought an Apple to teach myself how to build websites (1994...Pagemill and CuteFTP some FTP client). I can't remember the exact Apple model, (and has a limited library of Apples) but I think it was a Performa of some sort.

Macintosh LC 550

After that, went to PCs (my new employer had these).