Genomic SETI: The truth is inside us?

Paul Davies, author of Mind of God is Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Australian Centre for Astrobiology at Macquarie University has proposed that the Genome@Home project could be extended to analyse human DNA for sign of genetic 'messaging' by aliens - a sort of Genomic SETI...

"The ideal solution would be to encode the message inside a large number of self-replicating, self-repairing microscopic machines programmed to multiply and adapt to changing conditions...

...Fortunately such machines already exist: they are called living cells. The cells in our bodies, for example, contain genetic messages written by Mother Nature billions of years ago."

He admits that he is opening himself up to potential ridicule, but points out that this idea is probably no less speculative than the Radio SETI project.

So is junk DNA really junk, or the message? Are we the message? What is he drinking?  I'll have whatever he's drinking (and sign up to a Genome SETI).

(Via Slashdot). His article first appeared in New Scientist in print version, but is available online (registration required soon) at the Sydney Monrning Herald site.