EDC Follow up

Thanks to everyone who attended my talks at edc.  I thought the tux hands on labs went very well - I got a lot of great comments and questions.  I was especially impressed that at least one attendee came to both sessions!

The CE Testing Strategy talk didn't go as well - at least in my opinion.  About 2 minutes into the talk, I was getting a feeling that what I was talking about, and what the audience was expecting to hear were two different things.  I kept looking for opportunities to improvise and find a way to get peoples interest back, but I just never felt like I got things back on track.  I normally do a pretty good job in this situation - I don't know if it was because I spent so much time thinking about the tux presentation, or if the dark room through me off, or if I was just off, but this could have (should have) been way better.  Oh well - this particular talk won't happen again, and if I do a variation, I'll set it up quite a bit differently.  I guess if I was  true blogger I'd ask people what interested them about testing Windows CE...

I had promised a few people a copy of a stand alone tux wizard - the tool is ready, but I was going to add support for generating evc projects as well as sources/dirs based projects.  Should only take me a few minutes...just need to find those few minutes.  Regardless, it should be posted here by the end of the week at the latest.