Where to get the latest XPS Print Path bits

The XPS Print Path is shipped as part of Windows Vista XPS Print Path diagramand later but it’s also available for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.  If you’re developing a hardware device driver for the XPS Print Path (an XPSDrv print driver) you’ll probably want to make sure that you have the latest bits – the ones with perf improvements and defect fixes. The recommended way to ensure you’re up to date (and also the most convenient way for your customers) is to use the XPSDrv redist package. Details are available at https://www.microsoft.com/whdc/device/print/PrintDrv_redist.mspx#EHB. Note that although the XPS Print Path is included in releases of .Net Framework 3.0 and later, and the XPS Essentials Pack, for print drivers Microsoft recommends the XPSDrv redist package to ensure your customers get the best experience.

More info on XPS Print Path is available in the Windows Device Class Fundamentals section on WHDC.