localized C#

C# and .NET supports Unicode and it’s super-cool that you can use variables and literals in your own language and get it to build and run. I never tried that out until I read Brad Adams post. I wrote the following program in C# using Hindi to name variables and namespaces.

 using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;namespace मेराप्रोग्राम
    class प्रोग्राम    {
        static void Main(string[] arg)
            for (int संख्या = 0; संख्या < 10; संख्या++)
                Console.WriteLine("क्रम {0}", संख्या);

Michael Kaplan's post prompted me to share this code out. IMO most developers are forced to learn English. The reason is evident from the code above. Even if all documentations are available in localized version, I still need to know what's the meaning of the term "using", "for" and "class".

I always thought that I'd hack the Mono csharp compiler to create a language that'll be truly localized as in have localized keywords and support localized numbers as well. I looked into the mono-sources long back and remember seeing the file cs-tokenizer.cs which looked promising as it contained the list of keywords. Once VSTS is shipped I think I'll have some time to try that out.