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HL7 v2 Developer Guide

We just published a new whitepaper that provides some specific guidance on HL7 Version 2 development with the BizTalk Accelerator.

The whitepaper deals with:

  • Configuring a minimal HL7 solution for testing purposes
  • Customizing HL7 v2 schemas (yeah!)
  • Creating *new* HL7 v2 messages
  • Mapping of HL7 data, including controlling the order of mapped elements in the resulting message
  • Controlling the order of the flow of HL7 messages through BizTalk

The whitepaper also provides instructions on how to configure your solutions to accomplish the steps above.

Check it out on the Microsoft Downloads web site.

[Update: the whitepaper is temporarily off-line as we review the code that was mistakenly left out of the original publication. Will update this post once it's back online.]