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I Bought the Farm

Okay, I guess I bought A farm. My wife Sam is a horse person. Her passion is horses and mine is aviation. Where we live now she and I can have both, but she needed more. SO... now we have two houses. One for aviation where we have been for several years, and the other an Equestrian boarding and training center. It's called Elk Run and it's a turn-key business (here's a link to the website for Elk Run Stables ). Much of the site isn't functional yet, so that will have to change... As a business it should pay for itself, or at least that was what Sam said.

I know there are few readers that are actually from the Seattle area, but for those few that are, we are looking for about 4 more boarders and some new students. If you know anyone that's interested, have them go to the website and inquire. Maybe I can get them a bit of a deal :)